Competition and Regulatory Policy and Institutional Design for Scotland

Research Paper 11. Competition and Regulatory Policy and Institutional Design for Scotland”

Martin Cave, Jon Stern

ESRC Conversation 4 – “Competition Policy and Regulation: in the context of Constitutional Change in Scotland”

On the 16 May 2013 the Institute held the fourth and final ESRC-supported ‘conversation’ – this time on competition policy and regulation (of utilities, transport, etc.). Professor Martin Cave, Visiting Professor at Imperial College Business School was our lead speaker and along with Jon Stern provided an over-arching background paper.

We again commissioned a number of papers from the following authors: Professor Martin Cave (Visiting Professor at the Imperial College Business School and Vice Chair of the Competition Commission) Professor David Simpson (former DHI Trustee and former board member of WICS); Iain Osborne (remarkably experienced senior regulator – across five different sectors, and at EU, UK and devolved levels); Luis Correia da Silva (Managing Director OXERA); Dirk Janssen (the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets); Jon Stern (City University and co-author with Martin Cave); and David Saunders (Chief Executive of the UK Competition Commission).


Utility Regulation in a Smaller System


Energy Policy and Consumers in Scotland